The use of stone sulfur mixture to control pests and diseases should pay attention to problems

A calculation of the amount of water: the concentration of the stone sulphur mixture is expressed in terms of Baume, and the Baume degree can be measured by a Baume pycnometer. Generally, the mother liquor has a Baume degree of 20-28 degrees, and should be diluted with water when used. The amount of water can be calculated by the following formula: water weight = (mother liquid wave / after dilution of Baume degree -1) x mother liquor weight, for example: 2 kg of Baume 20 degrees mother liquor, to be diluted into Baume 0.5 degree liquid The amount of water that should be added is: (20/0.5-1) x 2 kg = 78 kg
In addition to self-tanning, pesticide manufacturers now produce 45% crystalline stone sulphur mixture and 40% solid stone sulphur mixture, which is more conducive to storage and transportation.
Second, use technology:
1 Prevention and treatment of apple rot disease, sprayed with Baume 5 degree stone sulphur mixture or crystal stone sulphur mixture 30 times solution in winter dormancy period.
2 Prevention and control of apple powdery mildew, sprayed with 3-5 degree stone sulphur mixture in the dormant period in winter. It can also be sprayed with a crystal stone sulphur 300 times solution before flowering or 10 days after flowering.
3 Prevention and treatment of apple brown rot, sprayed with Baume 3-5 degree stone sulphur mixture during the dormant period in winter. If a crystal stone sulphur mixture is used, spray it with 120-180 times before the fruit tree is germinated or half a month after germination.
4 Prevention and control of pear scab, brown spot, brown spot and peach leaf leaf disease, powdery mildew, dormant period with Baume 3-5 degree stone sulfur mixture or crystal stone sulfur mixture 20-30 times liquid spray.
5 Control apples, pear leafhoppers (red spiders) or scale insects, before the fruit trees are germinated, spray with Baume 3-5 degree stone sulfur mixture or crystal stone sulfur mixture 25-30 times.
6 Prevention and control of wheat rust, powdery mildew and scab, sprayed with Bamei 0.3-0.5 degree stone sulphur or crystal sulphur 120-180 times before or after heading.

Three issues to be aware of when using:
1 The higher the temperature at the time of use, the more likely it is to cause phytotoxicity. When the summer temperature is above 32 °C, when the early spring temperature is lower than 4 °C, it is impossible to spray.
2 Cucumber, tomato, and beans are not sensitive to stone sulphur mixture. In the growing season of peach, plum, plum, grape, and pear, it is also impossible to spray stone sulfur mixture.
3 stone sulfur mixture has a strong alkaline, can not be mixed with alkaline pesticides, and can not be mixed with Bordeaux mixture.
4 stone sulfur mixture has a corrosive effect on the skin, it should be washed in time when splashing on the body, and the spraying equipment should be washed out in time.
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